2007/9/19, Yan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I'm sorry, hit 'send' prematurely. Edited mail below.
> It's funny that you just mentioned it now, as I was looking at a few lisp
> books recently. "Paradigms of AI Programming" has been hailed as one of the
> best lisp books ever written (book site here: http://norvig.com/paip.html,
> and click on the 'Comments' section). The amazon reviews for it are also
> glowing, not to mention the utmost respect I have for its author (Peter
> Norvig). Being more specific to what you're asking, quoting Norvig
> himself: "Probably
> the best book ever on how to write Lisp compilers and interpreters is
> Christian Queinnec's *Lisp in Small Pieces*.". You can also look at Paul
> Graham's "On Lisp" and "ANSI Common Lisp".
> Hope this helps.

In my opinion is On Lisp somewhat advanced as it concentrates on macros.
But in itself it is a great book which teaches _the_ technique of Lisp

For a starter i would recommend:
Practical Common Lisp

This book is going step for step through the process of understanding
Lisp and programming "funny" applications. At the end of this book the
reader has developed apps as a Shoutcast server and a HTML lib. Also
it is easy to read as there are very "dry" books about programming -
ANSI Common Lisp is such a dry book -.

And PCL is free to read.

Because the original poster wanted to make a class from a book PCL is
very good for his needs (in my opinion).
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