New here and writing quick as I am at work...:-(

I have an 80gb hard drive pc and I want it to dual boot between Ubuntu
and PCBSD.

Its a long time since I have done this but I am at lost to why I can't
get to the 2 to work. I may overlooked something obvious
Its not often I do partition a hard drive as my other pc is xp and
Debian which is working to my satisfaction and the spare pc will be
ubuntu and PCBSD.
You may wonder why ubuntu as my family now uses ubuntu and somtimes
when they ask question over the phone I can see what they are talking
about or if they are having problems I can recreate it on my pc.
and now to the bit why PCBSD... I am impressed!
been a DestopBSD for a while and now installed PCBSD and packages are
more upto date than Linux.
yes I can configure make and install .. but do I want to be doing this
all the time when you have the excelant upto date PCBSD :-)

I must admit when it comes to partition hard drive I have done it
prevously but still don't get it right (but then again its not
everyday I do this)

first of all I split the partition using GPARTED and did a swap
partition for linux I first installed PCBSD and then Ubuntu.
For some reason Ubunto only boot up so that suggest to me it over
wrote PCBSD boot manager... then I installed GAG, THE Graphical Boot
that abled me to boot into PCBSD but not UBUNTU it cant cant the boot partition.

I did all the above in reverse order installed ubuntu and then PCBSD
and only can boot into PCBSD..
Should I be posting in UBUNTU forum or am I better off posting in
here, hope someone post a step by step or a link for further reading.


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