On Tue, Nov 27, 2007 at 06:13:21PM +0800, Erich Dollansky wrote:

> Hi,
> Joshua Isom wrote:
> >
> >On Nov 27, 2007, at 2:44 AM, Erich Dollansky wrote:
> >
> >>Joshua Isom wrote:
> >>>On Nov 27, 2007, at 1:32 AM, Erich Dollansky wrote:
> >>>>Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:
> >>
> >>>"Hitler was a good facist, he did his job well."
> >>
> >>no, he was a bad one. He finally lost
> >
> >But he lost in due part to his fascism, and his devotion to the 
> he only lost because of the Germans sabotaging him.

Not hardly.   He lost because he was unable to see reality when
it conflicted with his pre-made conclusions and 'plan' - something
familiar in the USA at the moment.

> He was the last man standing saving the last bullet for himself.

No, he committed suicide because he couldn't face up to the loss.

> >it was the fascism that lost the war.  He discarded his country for his 
> >fascism.
> He gave his life for the country.

Not really.   In this he was a good facist -- he gave his country
for his on well being and when his country was insufficient, he
failed and bailed out.

His was a classic case of what is often called the 'radical right syndrom'
in psychology studies.   It is a slight misnomer because there can
be a similar pathology that features the political left, but it is not
nearly as common.  Deviants leaning in that direction tend to manifest
it differently.   

Anyway, the basic synopsis is that he was encourated to perceive himself
as a total loser during his formative years, primarily by an abusive
father figure who also demanded that he be strong.   He became, for a while, 
a mama's boy.  But he was unable to contain the two conflicting perceptions 
 - that of being an unsucessful loser and that he must be strong and
successful - acquiring a severe case of something called cognative dissonance.
Most people learn to blunt the extreme edges of these conflicts as they
mature, but some cannot and must act out in some way.   Adolf's way was
anti-social in extreme.   He did the classic thing for someone experiencing
severe cognative disonance and found convenient places to offload his
conflict - Jews and others who were popularly seen as misfits and often
blamed for social problems - and, since this does not really relieve the
problem, continued to escalate this attempt to offload his internal conflict.
He was able to invent an image for himself which he used to recruit and
hold followers who were also looking for ways to explain their failures
and/or for relief from their bad condidtions, but he never really believed
that image of himself and also had to escalate it continuously to support
it so as not to fall back in to that unacceptable loser state.

When it was finally no longer possible to support that image, he chose
death, pretending it was the bold way, when actually it was just yet
another way of avoiding the perceived reality that he had carried with
him all his life.

This syndrom, based on cognative disonance, is fairly common and is present 
in many of the terrorist types - especially the leaders, but not necessarily 
the followers whom they dupe in to believing their acts are ways of salvation 
from abuse rather than escapes from unacceptable internal conclicts.   It is 
also apparent in some political leaders, including some currently prominent
on the world stage, in varying intensities.    

Now, how does this fit in OS type questions.   I'd really have to think
hard to rationalize that.    Sorry.


> >
> >>>Flame war anyone?
> >>
> >>Verbrannte Erde was the motto of his final campaign.
> >>
> >>The mother of all flame wars.
> >
> >Classic retreat strategy.  Make the earth worthless.  Kind of doesn't 
> >work when food keeps coming in, and not just grown.
> Classic? How wasted his own resources like this before?
> Erich
> PS:
> I hope real nazis never read this as they will not be able to understand 
> the irony in here
> >
> >>Erich
> >>
> >
> >
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