Do you honestly think that you're going to convince each other of anything? Can you at least move it off-list please?

On 13 Dec 2007, at 15:54, Russell Jackson wrote:

Chuck Robey wrote:
Marc Spitzer wrote:
On Dec 12, 2007 11:35 PM, Tom Wickline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Dec 12, 2007 10:30 PM, Marc Spitzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
One of the interesting things about socialism, in all in many evil
forms(including gnu/fsf), is that they simply must lie about their
program or no one of average intelligence would be stupid enough to sign up for it. It just goes to show you that without G_d religion
gets much much worse.


That one gave me a chuckle :D

Your just pissed because GPL makes people give back there changes! And
from the way it looks you and a couple others
here are mad because you cant go use others work and not have to
contribute. You want the freedom to rob, steal pillage others
hard work for your own good... And now you call this socialism because
you cant do it?

This sort of idea is entirely common among the folks who push GPL. They
assign their encumbrances to their licenses, THEN they claim (just to
take the attention off the fact that their license, alone, has those
encumbrances) that are "mad because you cant go use others work" (that's your quote, sir, look above if you disagree). The BSD license, in fact,

Seems like you left off the more important part of the quote, "... and not have to contribute." That is to say that you're free to do what you will with the code as long as
you redistribute your changes. It's a simple requirement. Tat for tat.

Stallman believes, rightly, that the freedom of the user is ultimately preserved through the freedom of the code; hence, there are restrictions on redistribution in order to guarantee the former. His writings are quite clear on this point. Nobody is lying; you are
just willfully refusing to understand.

DOES allow any user to use the code in any damn way they please, all it means is that folks lose the ability to force anyone else to also public
their work.  That's the reason that a huge portion of the commercial
world is actually direclty violating the GPL, and just relying on the
fact that no one has the dollars to go after them (thank god).  BSD
licensed code allows anyone, anywhere, to do whatever they like with
their work, unlike GPL, which is as directly communist/socialist as the
definition allows.

The GPLeres always shift attention away from that fact. Just like you did above. What about the fact that the BSD license is about 15 lines
long, while the GPL license is one of the most evilly legalistically
worded documents I;'ve ever seen ... worst that the worst emplyment
document I have ever been asked to sign. Of course, you're just going
to ignore that.

No I am not, the gpl is a thing and I save my spleen for people. The
thing that pisses me off is that the FSF and their minions
deliberately and knowingly lie about what the terms and conditions are
on the license they falsely call free.  Face it when you redefine
common words in the English language to mean something that is found
in no dictionary or daily use and in point of fact contradicts at
least one of the main uses of the word, ie meaning with out cost or
encumbrance, you are willingly lieing through your fucking teeth and
you know it.

I am not compelled to do do anything as I avoid the entire family of
gnu licenses except as an end user, so they get nothing and I can
still use their software <hahaha>

umm this is s freebsd list and freebsd has done quite well by having
faith in the inherent decency of people in general, netgraph and BASM come to mind. Further more oh yea of little history unix, and linux,
would not have grown to the degree it did if the berkley code was
gpled, OS/Kernel features were competitive advantage back then,
because I could not keep the code closed and it would have conflicted
with ATT's license as well.

hahahaha.... What a crock of shit!
stop projecting.



Russell A. Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Network Analyst
California State University, Bakersfield

        Someone who goes down to the marriage
        bureau to see if his license has expired.

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