> most kind regards
> jonathan
> ps, small niggle well based on observation, you have
> a real name it is
> agood idea to useit .. read the mailinglists
> charters, maillname/userid
> is one thing but a personal identifier that is close
> to a (your) real
> name.

Hi Jonathan,

Sorry I didn't respond to your above earlier.  I only
just caught it lurking at the bottom of an off-list
email someone else on the list sent me ...  Good job
too, as I would have hated it to pass, and you just
think I was being plain rude.

To your points:

>From this page, I see that a 'your name' is
Nothing contra-indicates the above, here:
Or at least nothing I can find!!

What am I missing?  I can find no clear link to any
'charter' from the freebsd website, so am assuming you
are referring to the above page(s)?  Don't forget I've
spent like, 20 seconds on the site, in my life
(discounting download times).

I appreciate many prefer my 'real name'.  I can give
you one (that I'll have to make up) if it's absolutely
necessary.  I am a barrister by background, having one
time (for quite a time) had an extensive criminal law
practise/practice (depending on which side of the pond
you're reading this).  I never really give my real
name out, anywhere, unless it would be a breach of the
law (with damages payable that I couldn't easily
afford, to which I might add that I'm always skint!

It's nothing personal to you or to anyone else on this
or any other list; I simply don't want to be found by
rather a large number of people (my ex-clients, as I
used to defend when undertaking criminal law,
primarily) - ever.

If posting your real name might bring upwards of 300
angry convicted criminals to your door, would you?  

And that's forgetting, for a time, the other 400 odd
clients, in various legal shenanegins, many of whom
may not be happy with what happened to them.

I hope this clarifies, even if not making people
'happy'.  Obviously should either a charter, or the
general list membership want my real name or ask me to
leave in default, that's no problem, I'll leave, but I
hope not.  What brought me to BSD, was the realisation
lawyers worldwide should be using Linux/BSD, not
Windows ...  I finished writing a book on digital
signatures and encryption, on/in Windows, to get to
the end of it only realising none of the users of the
e-book really had the advice they needed - GET OFF
WINDOWS! <g>  With a bit of help from the FreeBSD
community over the next 12 or more months, hopefully
there will be at least one lawyer I know (me!) using
FreeBSD, so he can tell the others about it, even if
only one at a time (i.e. not through publication(s))!

Anyway - obviously I'll have to leave, if that's what
people really want, just because I'm being honest that
there's no way your getting my real name!  Please
advise, I really don't want to upset anyone here.

Increasingly, I understand why people just use a pen
name on the Internet; saves bandwidth, if nothing
else, having these discussions - perhaps I should
recommend it, alone, for that fact, never mind the
harrasment possibilities and opportunities that abound
once someone has your 'real' name, and a fixed IP for

I am at least trying to be honest in not using a
'false', 'real' name - e.g. 'John Smith'.  If you will
let me.  

I use a nym that is Linux related for my LUG, it just
happens I was in one of those 'F-I; just sign up,
right now, without thinking about it' moments that I
happen to have subbed using this addy, as, as I've
previously stated, I've been up to the site before,
only to have come away empty handed.

I will of course, I reiterate, as it seems like it
might be in some doubt, leave without further
complaint, if thought necessary for everyone elses
sanity - strange place honesty takes you.

As an aside that I am sure will not be missed by the
vast majority of the list:  only the persistence of a
digital identity (PKI) is of any use in terms of ID,
and only then, without a web of trust, over time, as
proving it is the 'same' person (who ever that might
be!), anyway!!  

I'll sign, if that is a happy mid-way, though it will
of course stop me being able to participate whilst out
and about/without private key!?

Anyway - let me know.  I am specifically interested in
the legal basis, of where and exactly what states you
have to put your real name on a list to get access to
FreeBSD, or it's resources, especially
philosophically.  I thought FreeBSD meant like, free
of cost, free of (none BSD) licence restrictions, and
no where have I ever read anything about having to
give your real name in order to participate in any of
it, but as you all know, I haven't even read the
handbook yet, hey, so I've probably only got myself to
blame! LMAO

I am not being cantankerous, well, ok, perhaps
emotionally I'm trying not to be ...  But to explain
with the legal background, and wanting in the future
to write a little about BSD possibly - if there is
something that says names, and real names are
required; I'd like to point it out to the lawyers (and
likely tell them not to use it, as I've not yet come
across anything like this with Ubuntu (or Knoppix
before it)).

Best to all,


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