On Mon, 2009-05-04 at 17:58 -0700, Jason C. Wells wrote:
> That should be read as "End of Life" is meaningless.  Not end of "Life 
> is Meaningless."  Life is still meaningless, as is this post if you 
> disagree.
> It mystifies me that there is this recent tendency for people to get 
> concerned about EOL. "What do I do?"  My answer, "Do nothing."  Just 
> because a FreeBSD version is EOL doesn't mean you have to stop using 
> it.  It doesn't mean that your particular version is suddenly prone to 
> downtime.  It doesn't mean you can't install patches even though the 
> secteam won't be updating CVS. It doesn't mean you can't continue to 
> develop applications for a major version.
> EOL is a tool for FreeBSD to manage its own house.  It is in no way a 
> directive on how you should manage your house. Queue someone still 
> running 2.1.5 with uptime stats. Come on.  You know you want to show off.
> To the people who have to manage limited resources and must therefore 
> implement an EOL policy.  I commend you on the balancing act. Good on ya 
> mates.  Your doing a fine job.

I understand that some systems can't afford downtime for an upgrade, but
why not upgrade? A few minutes of uptime to take advantage of the hard
work that the developers poured into making another release can't be a
bad thing can it? I agree that there's certainly no need to panic, but
in situations where a little downtime is acceptable I wouldn't opt to
stay with the old system. Just my .02 :)

--Mike H

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