[Original posting on FreeBSD-announce; discussion re-routed ;-) to FreeBSD-chat so as not to clutter the announcement list.]

This looks great. We've been doing something similar, internally, for our own ISP.

It's good that bsdrp's primary purpose is not to be a firewall; however good network administration demands that there be provisions for policy routing, traffic shaping, traffic prioritization, and gathering of traffic statistics -- things that are usually implemented via firewall software because it's handy to do so. (These features aren't readily accessible in simple GUI-based end user firewalls like m0n0wall or pfsense, but are all do-able on the ruleset level using IPFW2.) Are there provisions for this? The docs are a bit lean so far, so it is hard to tell.

--Brett Glass

At 11:40 PM 7/5/2009, Gerard van Essen wrote:

Olivier Cochard-Labbé, founder of FreeNAS, has released the first
alpha (0.1) image of his new project: BSD Router Project -

bsdrp is an open source, customised distribution of FreeBSD dedicated
to offering IP routing services for small ISP's.

The release 0.1 of BSDRP is a fully working prototype, to be used on
real or virtual machines that boot from ATA device only (not usb).

This first release includes:

- Base FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT system (NanoBSD) for i386
- Customized script (config, upgrade, help, command completion, etcÂ…)
- Quagga ready to use (OSPFv2, OSPFv3, RIP, RIPng and BGP)

You may ask, what is the difference between BSDRP and m0n0wall of pfSense.

The main goal of BSDRP is not firewalling but routing. If you need a
firewall don't use BSDRP: Use m0n0wall or pfSense.
BSDRP is not for a home use, but for compagny use (small ISP's for example).
BSDRP doesn't have a Web GUI: It's to be configured from a CLI only
(like Cisco or Juniper)
pfSense can be used for routing, but Olivier wanted to set up a Cisco
or Juniper like project just for routing.

Source: www.freebsdnews.net
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