Lowell Gilbert <freebsd-chat-lo...@be-well.ilk.org> wrote:
 > spellberg_robert <email...@emailrob.com> writes:
 > > dear mr. fromme ---
 > > > > man_pages need to be, at least, "substantially_complete".
 > > > 
 > > > I agree that the sh(1) manual page should be complete,
 > > > and I think it is indeed complete.  Do you think some
 > > > piece of reference information is missing?
 > > 
 > > ah_ha, you have arrived at my thesis.
 > > 
 > > the man_page author states that it is not complete, in the first paragraph.
 > Not really.  What it says is that the man page is not a complete
 > *specification*.  That is not the same thing as being incomplete as a
 > user manual.  When appropriate information is noticed to be missing, it
 > does get added (as you can confirm from looking at the checkin log for
 > sh.1).

Right.  In particular, a complete specification should include
a formal grammar of the language accepted by the shell.  This
is missing from the manual page, but it isn't really necessary
for normal use of the shell.

On the other hand, I do have to agree with Robert that some
parts of the man page are very terse, sometimes up to the
point that you actually have to try things out (or examine
the source) in order to find out how something works.  For
example, the man page fails to mention which operators are
supported in arithmetic expressions, and how they evaluate
their arguments, exactly.  (I noticed this just today.)

Certainly, if someone writes up a paragraph for inclusion in
the manual page, it will be gratefully accepted and comitted
if appropriate.

Best regards

Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing b. M.
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