On Sun, 2009-11-15 at 13:44 -0500, Allen wrote:
> On Sunday 15 November 2009 01:34:42 pm Brett Glass wrote:
> > At 08:55 AM 11/15/2009, Byung-Hee HWANG wrote:
> > >Since FreeBSD's flash is not good, i'm considering to use linux box for
> > >desktop, instead of FreeBSD. Please advice me about using Linux distro
> > >like as Ubuntu, Debian, Gentoo, Fedora!
> >
> > Unfortunately, the best desktop Flash you are going to get is going
> > to be for Windows. Not that I like Windows much, mind you, but I
> > find that it makes a good browser platform and GUI terminal when
> > used in conjunction with FreeBSD servers.
> I have booted up Windows I think twice in the last 4 months, maybe less. I 
> use 
> Youtube to look at stuff, and I make Music with a Myspace Music account, and 
> need to upload it to Myspace, and then listen to it in their Flash player.
> I run Debian Linux 5.01 on this machine, and the other I use would be 
> Slackware 13.0 for uploads. I make the Music on this machine with Debian and 
> LMMS, and also on FreeBSD. I've yet to have a problem and was kind of 
> wondering why you said Windows was the way to go for Flash and browsing. I 
> personally only use Windows as a Wintendo (Windows for a few games that don't 
> work right in BSD or Linux, and everything else I do is done in Linux / BSD / 
> Unix) and I don't dare surf the web or check email on a Windows machine. It's 
> too risky!
> > As for WINE: I gave it up when it went GPL. I have no need for
> > anything with a viral license. I am waiting for the day when I can
> > build FreeBSD with a GPL-free toolchain and run without any GPLed
> > code anywhere on the box. (This day may be coming soon, by the way.
> > I hear through the grapevine that clang can build the FreeBSD
> > userland and may not be far from being able to build the -CURRENT kernel.)
> Aren't you sort of describing SunOS and some version of Solaris there?
> I find it hard to believe there are actually people in this world who won't 
> use software because of the license it has, when they recommend someone using 
> Windows and Firefox... Do you see the humor in that?
> > --Brett Glass
> Allen.

Agreed. I have no problems with flash with my amd64/gentoo box, it works
at least as well as it does on windows.


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