> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-freebsd-c...@freebsd.org [mailto:owner-freebsd-c...@freebsd.org]
>  > You don't have to do anything.
> [ slow burn, then, sigh ] that's the problem with the world, today.
> when people don't --have-- to do anything, people don't --learn_how-- to do
> anything.
> oops, i digress.
> > You should also note that the refresh rate is pretty much
> > irrelevant for LCD displays.  While 85 Hz did make sense
> > for CRT monitors in order to avoid flickering, that's not
> > necessary with LCD monitors.  They won't flicker with
> > 60 Hz which is a very common refresh rate for LCD.
> this is useful to know.
> while i --have-- seen some that claim a f_vert up to 85_cps,
>    75 seems to be a popular top_end.

You could get an LCD monitor that only has the 15 pin connection, then you can
choose refresh rate and play with modelines. At least on the Viewsonic LCD I 
which is 5 years old I had to do that to get it working. That is if you really 
want to keep doing such things.

> > My recommendation is to go to a shop, look at several
> > monitors and take the one you like best, irrespective
> > of the manufacturer.  Do *NOT* buy an LCD display that
> > you haven't seen with your own eyes before.  I'm serious.
> holy moses !!!
> you are reinforcing my long_held belief that lcd is a downgrade from crt.
> > By the way, back in the CRT days, my favourite was EIZO.
> not familiar, but, i've heard the name.
> maybe, i saw some in grad_school.
> i --know-- i saw the name on a retailer's web_site, yesterday.
> > I disliked Sony.
> freedom_of_choice is good [ that'll get the secret_police after me ].

I'll second you belief that LCD are worse than CRTs for the most part. I really
like the Apple LCD monitors but these are in the high end range of LCD monitors
once you start up there the picture quality and resolutions start to match that 
of CRTs, 
in my opinion. The only thing I don't miss from my CRTs is the high pitch hum 
reduced desk space.

For the record my favorite CRTs were from SGI . The two I had were manufactured 
by LG,
so my second LCD was an LG for this reason. It is definitely better than the 
Viewsonic, but 
still not as good picture wise as the CRTs, IMO.

Rod Person 
Sr. Programmer 

"An educator never says what he himself thinks, but only that which he thinks 
it is good for those whom he is educating to hear."-Nietzsche

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