> Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 17:27:33 +0000

> From: email...@emailrob.com
> To: freebsd-chat@freebsd.org
> Subject: Re: LinuxBSDos.com article
> i completely sympathize with all of those who mourn the loss of a favored, 
> albeit esoteric, thingy.
> it is particularly sad when that thingy was wildly popular, back in the 
> before_time.
> while not directly related to freebsd, at --this-- time,
>    i observe that the, formerly universal, rs_232 serial_port is no_longer 
> always included on motherboards.
> i am fond of the 908_series of embedded_controllers from freescale [ nee 
> motorola ].
> to program the flash_rom,
>    i could spend several_hundred dollars on a dedicated appliance,
>    which may_or_may_not program all of the devices which interest me.
> it may not support future devices; if it breaks, i can't fix it.
> on the other_hand, i can roll_my_own.
> this costs a_few_tens of dollars, applies to any device using this interface 
> and i can fix it
>    [ it should be noted that the things that i build tend to not_break, 
> because i am the repair_man ].
> the simplest approach requires an easily_programmed computer with a rs_232 
> port.
> the interface is a single pin.
> the pin used varies from part to part, which is why the appliance may not 
> support all devices.
> i need half_duplex, 9600 bps, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop_bit.
> converting half_duplex to full_duplex is easy.
> i need complementary 12_ to 15_volt supplies, which are downright cheap.
> this is child's_play.
> [ for those who find an 8_bit cpu to be interesting,
>      a web_site page with a link to a pdf [ 2.6 mb ] of the data_sheet for
>      a representative and particularly_popular member of the series, the 
> 908qy4,
>      may be found here:
> http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=HC08Q&tab=Documentation_Tab&pspll=1&nodeId=01624684497663&SelectedAsset=Documentation&ProdMetaId=PID/DC/HC08Q&fromPSP=true&assetLockedForNavigation=true&componentId=2&leftNavCode=1&pageSize=25&Documentation=Documentation/00610Ksd1nd%60%60Data%20Sheets
> ]
> on the freebsd side, i need to dissect the man_pages so that i can control 
> the 16550.
> the authors of these pages, while well_meaning, considered rs_232 as a means 
> of
>    talking to a modem    [       a full_featured appliance ] or
>    talking to a terminal [ also, a full_featured appliance ].
> i found myself reading between the lines, frequently.
> rs_232 works very well
>    for short messages,
>    over short distances,
>    in environments of up_to_moderate noise,
>    using inexpensive components.
> for these reasons, it --will-- be made illegal; de_facto, if not de_jure.
> it may be several years [ ten ? ], but, sooner_or_later,
>    freebsd will drop support for and/or remove the capability of implementing,
>    what are coming to be called, the "legacy" serial and parallel ports,
>    because the general_public will not be using them.
> i will mourn this, but, i will understand, because
>    freebsd_people are, statistically, software_people, not hardware_people.
> i will find a work_around,
>    either by implementing the new interface or by converting between new and 
> old.
> as long as i have six addressable bits whose level i can flip individually [ 
> 3 out and 3 in ],
>    i can rig a full_duplex link that runs as fast as the slower end_point 
> hardware.
> apparently [ from what i read ], statistically, freebsd_people are not 
> musicians, either.
> neither am i; although i --did-- take violin lessons as a youngster.
> so, make mine bob wills or jascha heifetx, please.
> rob

 Ya, I agree, FreeBSD has always been heavy in Software Development. many teeth 
have been sharpened with it for the best products, aka the new Apple's.
 Its too bad 'cause obviously, hardware development in tandem with FreeBSD 
would...oops, well,... its commercially already here, in some derivative, 
called MacOS "X" (both HW and SW)-and that in itself is a testament to the 
power of BSD (and irs Licensing scheme) as well? 

 No market, then not much investment money from the rest of the hardware 
industry, unfortunatley. an that is too bad.

 so Kudos to the folks at PC-BSD for keeping FreeBSD alive 'n well for all the 
NOT so "uber-G33ks"

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