Hi everyone,

well, I just wanted to let all of you know that I'm back. Yes, this is not world-moving news and most of you will probably not really remember me, but I've been a long-time FreeBSD user and was actually somewhat active on various FreeBSD mailing lists in about 2000 - 2005.

I have fond memories of these good old days: I was a Linux user in the mid to late 90's, and eventually decided that I would rather like to use FreeBSD. So exactly on the 31st of December 1999, when most people were preparing for celebrating the new millenium, I was sitting at home, trying to download the then-current stable FreeBSD release (3.something) ISO image via the painfully slow 56k modem connection I had back in the day. While I was downloading I was chatting in some IRC channels, and I remember joking with various folks that I was hoping my FreeBSD download would complete before midnight, because - as we all "knew" back then - on the 1st of January 2000 the Internet (or all computer systems, for that matter) would come to a sudden end - at least that was what the media hype was telling us.

As it turned out, my FreeBSD download completed successfully and I spent the 1st of January 2000 setting it up. I've basically been hooked ever since! I remember "building world" every weekend, extensively using the ports collecting, lurking and occasionally posting on the mailing lists, and just promoting FreeBSD by recommending it to others and helping them with its usage. Really great days ... but then my life changed, I finished school and started working. And even though I got a job as a programmer, I worked on something entirely unrelated to FreeBSD and unfortunately, I was too much out of time to follow my personal FreeBSD interests as much as I would have liked to. As a result, I became inactive on the mailing lists and didn't do much more than just simply running FreeBSD.

Now in 2011, it seems that I will finally have some more time for the "fun" things in life, and as a result, I'm currently in the process of getting my machines up to date with the latest FreeBSD-Stable (currently, they're kind of outdated). Furthermore, I'm resubscribing to all the nice mailing lists and am planning to once again be more active on them in the future. And who knows, probably I'll even find the time to contribute a little by writing actual code - a thing I've always wanted to do in the past, but - despite of a few small patches for the ocassional port - have never come around to actually doing.

So, in short: FreeBSD community, keep ruling! I've been a quiet member of you during the last few years, and I'm hoping to be a more active one once again from now on. ;-)

Greetings to all of you out there,
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