On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 08:36:56 -0500
Jamie <ja...@geniegate.com> wrote:

> As a former fundie myself (brief stint, I assure you!), I do have
> some sympathy for your hotel guests. Decades ago, in my teens, before
> I was fortunate enough to snap out of it, such a situation would have
> produced an *extreme* amount of anxiety. 
> I can only feel sorry for anyone who has lived their whole life that
> way. 
> There aren't many ways to help them, everything you say or do is
> processed via an elaborate shell script that basically amounts to
> this:
>    sed -e 's/outside help/trick of the devel/'
> Poor people, really. If they weren't so dangerous & annoying, we
> ought to have sympathy for them. It really was a high-stress
> lifesytle. I'm thankful to have snapped out of it early on, lots of
> others aren't so lucky. It really is like a trap.

Glad to hear you were eventually "saved".  :-)

I recently caught a segment of "Inside The Actors' Studio" with several
members of the cast of "Family Guy".  Seth MacFarlane's response to one
of the standard closing questions posed by James Lipton was priceless:

Lipton: If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you
arrive at the Pearly Gates?

MacFarlane: I'm really sorry about all my followers.

Ya just gotta love ol' Seth.  :-)

Conrad J. Sabatier
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