On Sun, Dec 09, 2012 at 03:36:17PM +0100, deeptec...@gmail.com wrote:
> Glen Barber wrote:
> > The FreeBSD Project is enabling Google Analytics on www.freebsd.org.
> Congratulations, by choosing probably the easiest-to-use but
> most-threatening-to-users tracking system, you have successfully
> managed to display amateurism on part of the web site's staff.
> > But we can do this on our own, why do we need to send data to a third
> > party?
> >
> > - Doing this on our own means increased infrastructure, increased
> >   maintenance, and increased security exposure.
> >
> > - Google already supplies a large number of tools, there isn't a need
> >   to duplicate effort.
> Noone asked you to create your own tools from the ground up.
> Ironically speaking, have you even googled for (open source) web
> analytics software? Software that takes 10 minutes to install.
> > - Google Analytics answers questions that cannot be discerned from
> >   just grepping logs.  For example, How long do FreeBSD users browse
> >   the website; which pages are most likely to bounce users or draw
> >   users in; what is the most common screen resolution, which Operating
> >   Systems visitors to the website read and which pages specifically?
> > By using Google Analytics, some of the things we can learn
> > (specifically about our documentation) include:
> You meant to say: "By using some web analytics solution, some of the
> things we can learn include [...]; BTW, we choose Google's solution."
> > But I don't want Google to know I exist!?
> >
> > It is possible to opt-out by setting the "Do Not Track" flag on your
> > browser.
> Information (that can be used against me) gathered indirectly from
> billions of sources is often stronger than information gathered
> directly. I'd rather have it that Google could track me, but noone
> else.
> European Union data protection regulations -- smartly -- require web
> sites to notify users if their data is being collected, although these
> regulations are not very actively enforced yet. Not only that you do
> not have such a notification, you don't even have the Privacy Policy
> section linked on the main page!

There are probably millions of websites that use GA. 
Have you already complained to the their operators about using GA? If
not, please do so.

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