Before I say anything else, I'm sorry for top posting everyone, I'm doing this on my phone since it's currently my only way to email, but I just wanted to say that in my opinion, FreeBSD, has a great wealth of documentation, and although every BSD has great online documentation and great stuff to read on the Web, FreeBSD does have a LOT of books you can order from the FreeBSD mall. (that's a little bit of a plug for the FreeBSD mall; I don't work there or get paid by them, I'm just a guy who's ordered almost everything from it and had very good experiences each time from them) I have basically every book available from that site and though they get dated fast, that's to be expected when you consider how fast FreeBSD is worked on, tweaked, fixed, and bettered, and no book publisher could keep up with the speed of the FreeBSD team. One of the best books written (the complete FreeBSD by Greg Lehey) talks about this in one of the chapters. I got my first look at that when I first got introduced to FreeBSD, back when I bought the FreeBSD PowerPak which came with the third edition, and FreeBSD 4.0-Current and then I bought the newest one from O'Reilly (the brown one) when I made my first purchase from the FreeBSD Mall. I truly Love that book, and Greg talks about how a new edition of a book once a year would be considered quite frequent. As opposed to a new version of FreeBSD coming basically twice a year. Even with all of that in mind though, FreeBSD does seem to have way more books available for purchase, along with the usual online docs, FAQs, man pages, help, and other HOWTOs and manuals, and they are better known at least in my area (Southeast Michigan) since I've bought FreeBSD books at book stores here as well. Sorry about the length, and having to use a phone app email client; Hope this email displays properly for everyone, I've not used this client to post on the lists before, I usually use a computer and proper client.


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On March 19, 2014 4:52:43 PM Lowell Gilbert <> wrote:

Jorge Luis Carvalho Santos <> writes:

>> From:
>> To:
>> Subject: To that create a FAQ that says no be unreliable?
>> Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 18:27:03 +0300
>> Is written in OpenBSD FAQ:"One important difference between OpenBSD
>> and many other operating systems is the documentation. OpenBSD
>> developers take great pride in the system man pages. The man pages
>> are the authoritative source of OpenBSD documentation -- not this
>> FAQ, not third-party independently maintained pages, not "HOWTO"s,
>> etc. "
>> To that create a FAQ that says no be unreliable? >
> because no one responds?                                   
I see no reason to disagree with OpenBSD's FAQ answer.
I would give the same answer for FreeBSD, although maybe not quite as strongly.
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