On Thu, 8 Mar 2018 14:31:28 -0500, Geheimnisse wrote:
>So, FreeBSD may have a politics problem - an alt-right politics
>problem. Manchildren who cry any time something happens that isn't
>right-wing. They don't want "politics out of FreeBSD" regarding the
>CoC, they want a CoC that aligns with their alt-right values.
>In conclusion, the alt-right can shut the hell up and move on to their
>next target. Leave FreeBSD alone, you neckbeard creeps.

Those world conspiracy fantasis are touching
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law , something that much,
much, much, much, much more often happens on computer related mailing
lists than racism, misogyny, xenophobia etc. apears, but
Godwin's law usually is uesed regarding technically decisions, a
developer e.g. is in favour of a hamburger button over a menubar or
vice versa and a user compares this with the Holocaust.

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