Are you aware we are in the end of year holidays? I recommend you to
not call others as an idiot, as the only idiot here are you ;)

On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 9:31 PM <> wrote:
> Why is no one discussing this anymore.
> It's like you just accepted the "NU UH U WRONG" proclamation from
> programmers.
> Are you idiots aware that programmers DO NOT KNOW THE LAW simply by
> virtue of being "smarts"?
> Are you idiots aware that I am a lawyer, I have studied the law, and I
> do know more than the programmers on this issue (note: I'm also a
> programmer too... but for something useful... like games :) )
> Are you idiots aware that Eben Moglen (drafter of the GPLv3 (not 2,
> Linux is under 2)) has NOT made good on his pledge to publish a report
> on how I'm wrong and let me "correct" him where he got it wrong.
> Why do you think that is? That in 2 months nothing.
> It's because, as a relative who's worked in the field for many decades
> said: he's full of shit.
> Anything he publishes would just undermine the stance he's taken.
> The license IS recindable at the will of the 1000s of grantors. Any one
> of them could shake the tree.
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