Your initial argument, as I imagine you ment to communicate (a single negation, rather than the double negation you proffered) hits a snag:
I am a licensed attorney.

"You ain't no lawyer, buddy"
Your double negatives speak the truth: I am a licensed attorney.

"you're a clueless halfwit"
I'm sure my intellect is half that of someone somewhere.

Incorrect, I have informed you of the law, and my analysis is correct.

the likes of which I've seen innumerable times in my years with Linux
Many lawyers perhaps begged the linux copyright holders to stop playing fast and loose with the law and their licensing regime. Their advice, of-course, was rejected, and their patches rejected by linus. One attempted patch (the GPLv3) very publicly so.

I'd ask when you're planning on moving out of your mom's basement, but, really, we already know the answer to that: never.
I notice that the nobles of europe, those that were not murdered, are still in the possession of their inherited lands, while you americans are poor as you constantly divide you wealth in your quest to be "real men".
(You also murder anyone who likes cute young girls, in that same quest).

I'd tall you to grow up, but that ship has clearly sailed.
I'm quite tall already.

Enjoy your wage slave life though :)
While you were slaving away, being a MhrrAhhN I attended law school, graduated, acquired my license, studied more, programmed videogames, studied more, built 3d architecture, studied more, did RL architecture, studied more, etc.

And had parties every other week with my friends. While you pursued the goals of a real man.

On 2018-12-25 12:50, wrote:
Hahahahahaha!  You ain't no lawyer, buddy -- you're a clueless
halfwit, the likes of which I've seen innumerable times in my years
with Linux.  The Libertarian/Men's Rights morons who circle jerk
themselves to no end over on r/TheDonald.  I'd ask when you're
planning on moving out of your mom's basement, but, really, we already
know the answer to that: never.

I'd tall you to grow up, but that ship has clearly sailed.
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