Hey there,

It’s me again Benny Villa, this time I want to talk a little about how CBD can 
help with reducing Anxiety and depression. Anxiety
and depression are common mental health disorders that can have devastating 
impacts on health and well-being. According to the
World Health Organization, depression is the single largest contributor to 
disability worldwide, while anxiety disorders are
ranked sixth Anxiety and depression are usually treated with pharmaceutical 
drugs, which can cause a number of side effects
including drowsiness, agitation, insomnia, sexual dysfunction and headache

My own Story; I myself suffered for many years with Anxiety and panic attacks. 
To the point where I would be at work and I would
have to get up and run out the door straight to the car. I would have to drive 
around until it would start to go away and calm
down. I would have to call someone to talk to them about anything, it didn’t 
even matter what the conversation was about as long
as it kept my mind off of the anxiety. My doctor gave me some pretty strong 
drugs which made me start to lose myself, every day
was a never-ending dream where I had no idea what was reality and what was not. 
It was to the point where I felt like I was in
another world roaming the world as nothing and no one. It was a scary time in 
my life. I started to do research and I started to
look at alternatives to reduce my anxiety and so I found CBD and started to buy 
it wherever I could find it. The only problem was
that I wasn’t really feeling anything, and I didn’t know why. I did more 
research and found out that the CBD I was buying had bad
ratings, no one was feeling anything and so a guy took the Tincture (drops) to 
a lab and had it tested only to find out it had
almost none and in some cases had No CBD at all. What the heck!!! I was buying 
oil with no CBD!! I was mad and outraged. Long
story short I started to source my own CBD and I started to take samples of 
each batch to a Lab near me to get it tested. I
finally found the best source of CBD Isolate and I started making my own 
products. I didn’t care about flavors and about all the
added stuff that most of the CBD products out there have. All anyone wants when 
in the middle of a Panic attack is for the panic
attack to go away. You do not care about what flavor of Medicine you are going 
to take, and you do not care about if it has
menthol in it to clear your sinuses and you don’t care about anything really. 
Our Base Tinctures have no flavor or additives, It
only has CBD and the Fatty oil that it binds to so that it can instantly start 
to work in your body. This was my goal, and this is
what I created from scratch.

Let’s talk a little about how CBD can impact your health in a positive way.

Could Reduce Anxiety

CBD oil has shown promise as a treatment for both depression and anxiety, 
leading many who live with these disorders to become
interested in this natural approach.

In one Brazilian study, 57 men received either oral CBD or a placebo 90 minutes 
before they underwent a simulated public speaking
test. The researchers found that a 300-mg dose of CBD was the most effective at 
significantly reducing anxiety during the test.

The placebo, a 150-mg dose of CBD, and a 600-mg dose of CBD had little to no 
effect on anxiety

Benny Villa

President and CEO of DevilsLips.com


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