Subject: EVIDENCE: Singapore Government could read my mind, knows all
of my passwords and attempted to login to my LinkedIn account on the
morning of 23 Apr 2023 Sunday

Good day from Singapore,

At exactly 11:18 am on 23 Apr 2023 Sunday (Singapore Time GMT+8), I
received a SMS OTP from LinkedIn. But I did not login to LinkedIn at
all during this time period. I was having early lunch at 566 Serangoon
Road coffee shop (near Beatty Road). My lunch consisted of fish tail +
green leafy vegetables + rice. All for SGD$6. This PROVES that the
Singapore Government could read my mind and knows all of my passwords.
This also PROVES that mental illness (schizophrenia) was INVENTED by
government(s) to punish and torture people who criticize the
government. With Mind Control Technology, governments could read our
minds/thoughts, see through our eyes and hear through our ears.

Receiving a SMS OTP from LinkedIn has proven beyond reasonable doubt
that the secret government agent at his desk knows my password and has
entered my password correctly at the LinkedIn login page. Otherwise,
how would I be able to receive a SMS OTP from LinkedIn? Remember
earlier I said that I did not attempt to login to LinkedIn during this
time period. If I did not remember wrongly, I have not login to
LinkedIn for 1 or 2 years already. I have neglected my LinkedIn
account for so long.

The Singapore Government is purposely and deliberately attempting to
login to my LinkedIn account this morning to REMIND me that they could
read my mind and knows all of my passwords.

There are external human forces at play here even though a Targeted
Individual has "mental illness". I am a Targeted Individual. Do not
naively assume nobody will mess with you when you have "mental
government agents will be hacking into your laptops, desktop
computers, smartphones and your computer network to piss you off.
After all, mental illness was invented by government(s) to punish and
torture people who criticize the government. Using Mind Control
Technology, the government could read your mind/thoughts, see through
your eyes and hear through your ears.

When I reached Farrer Park MRT station at 11.53 AM on the same day, I
told 3 police officers at the train platform everything (what I have
mentioned above).

I shall FOREVER remind myself of this overwhelming evidence. That
mental illness was invented by government(s) and they could read our
minds and know all our passwords.


Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming
Targeted Individual in Singapore

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