Quantitative Data Management and Analysis with R Course 

Foscore Development Center
For result based skills development
Dear Colleague,

Foscore Development Center would like to invite you to a high impact 
Quantitative Data Management and Analysis with R Course to be held in Nairobi, 
Kenya from 10^th - 14^th, September 2018


Course: Quantitative Data Management and Analysis with R Course 

Event Date: 10^th - 14^th, September 2018

Registration: Register Online 

Course Fee: USD: 1000 | EURO: 900 | KES: 70,000

R is a programming language and software environment for statistical computing 
and graphics. The R language is widely used among statisticians and data miners 
for developing statistical data analysis. You will start with the most basic 
importing techniques and advanced ways to handle even the most difficult 
datasets to import. Next, you will move on to create static plots, while the 
second will show how to plot spatial data on interactive web platforms such as 
Google Maps and Open Street maps. Finally, you will learn to implementation and 
data analysis.

5 days

Who Should Attend?
Statistician, analyst, or a budding data scientist and beginners who want to 
learn how to analyze data with R,

Course Objective:
* Import and export data in various formats in R
* Perform advanced statistical data analysis
* Visualize your data on Google or Open Street maps
* Enhance your data analysis skills and learn to handle even the most complex 
* Learn how to handle vector and raster data in R

Course content
* Introduction
* Importing Data in Table Format
* Handling the Temporal Component
* Importing Raster Data
* Exporting Data
* Descriptive Statistics
* Manipulating Vector Data
* Manipulating Raster Data
* Visualizing Spatial Data
* Interactive Maps
* Global Economic Maps with Open Data
* Point Pattern Analysis of Crime
* Cluster Analysis of Earthquake Data
* Time Series Analysis of Wind Speed Data
* Geostatistics
* Regression and Statistical Learning

General Notes
* All our courses can be Tailor-made to participants needs
* The participant must be conversant with English
* Presentations are well guided, practical exercise, web based tutorials and 
group work. Our facilitators are expert with more than 10years of experience.
* Upon completion of training the participant will be issued with Foscore 
development center certificate (FDC-K)
* Training will be done at Foscore development center (FDC-K) center in Nairobi 
Kenya. We also offer more than five participants training at requested location 
within Kenya, more than ten participant within east Africa and more than twenty 
participant all over the world.
* Course duration is flexible and the contents can be modified to fit any 
number of days.
* The course fee includes facilitation training materials, 2 coffee breaks, 
buffet lunch and a Certificate of successful completion of Training. 
Participants will be responsible for their own travel expenses and 
arrangements, airport transfers, visa application dinners, health/accident 
insurance and other personal expenses.
* Accommodation, pickup, freight booking and Visa processing arrangement, are 
done on request, at discounted prices.
* One year free Consultation and Coaching provided after the course.
* Register as a group of more than two and enjoy discount of (10% to 50%) plus 
free five hour adventure drive to the National game park.
* Payment should be done two week before commence of the training, to FOSCORE 
DEVELOPMENT CENTER account, so as to enable us prepare better for you.

•           Training Venue: Meridian Hotel Kenya

•           View course content and register as individual or group 

•           View Research and Data Analysis courses calendar 2018-2019 

•           View All Courses calendar 2018-2019 

•           Course Fee: USD 1,000 | EURO: 900 | KSH 70,000



Nairobi Kenya

Contact: train...@fdc-k.org or +254712260031

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