A while ago (I think when 3.X was still current) when my (ATX) desktop
system would go in suspend mode (using zzz, waiting for the timeout or
by pushing <4s on the power button) the system would become completely

- disks spin down
- CPU fan of

Nowadays, some fan keeps running. This is very annoying (forcing me to
halt -p all the time instead of going to suspend mode) since the
system is in the living room and the noise (even though it is not very
loud) is unacceptable.

I vaguely remember changes to APM some months ago, I think the problem
started back then.

Has something changed some months ago that might have caused this? Is
there a way to have a complete & quiet suspend again?

Thanks in advance,

Peter Mutsaers |  Abcoude (Utrecht), | Trust me, I know
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  the Netherlands    | what I'm doing. 
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