On Wed, 11 Aug 1999, Brian F. Feldman wrote:
> What in the world would be the point of doing this? What would be so
> great about not seeing the system boot up?
The same reason that when you type 'cp foo /tmp/' it doesn't say '1 file
copied, 3425 bytes.' or other nonesense. If nothings wrong then print
nothing. Granted, you and I would have our 'boot_verbose' envar set to
'1' or '2' or something that gave us the correct amount of feedback we've
grown acustom to.
| Matthew N. Dodd | '78 Datsun 280Z | '75 Volvo 164E | FreeBSD/NetBSD |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 2 x '84 Volvo 245DL | ix86,sparc,pmax |
| http://www.jurai.net/~winter | This Space For Rent | ISO8802.5 4ever |
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