===>  Cleaning for cvsup-16.0
To build this port without X11 (and without the GUI), define "NO_X11".
>> cvsup-16.0.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist on this system.
>> Attempting to fetch from ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/development/CVSup/.
Receiving cvsup-16.0.tar.gz (342698 bytes): 100%
342698 bytes transferred in 6.7 seconds  (49.86 Kbytes/s)
===>  Extracting for cvsup-16.0
>> Checksum OK for cvsup-16.0.tar.gz.
===>   cvsup-16.0 depends on executable: m3build-6 - found
===>   cvsup-16.0 depends on shared library: m3.6 - found
===>  Patching for cvsup-16.0
===>  Configuring for cvsup-16.0
===>  Building for cvsup-16.0
mkdir FreeBSD2
--- building in FreeBSD2 ---
===> suptcp
mkdir FreeBSD2
--- building in FreeBSD2 ---
m3 -w1 -why -O -a libsuptcp.a -F/var/tmp/qkG99460 
new source -> compiling ../src/common/SupConnFD.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/common/SupTCP.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/POSIX/SupTCPPosix.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/POSIX/SupTCPHack.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/POSIX/SockOpt.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/common/TCPMisc.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/common/SupConnRW.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/POSIX/SupTCP.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/POSIX/SupTCPHackNull.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/POSIX/SockOptFBSD.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/common/SupConnRW.m3
 -> archiving libsuptcp.a
===> suplib
mkdir FreeBSD2
--- building in FreeBSD2 ---
m3 -w1 -why -O -a libsuplib.a -F/var/tmp/qkH99492 
new source -> compiling ../src/FreeBSD/FileAttrOS.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/FreeBSD/UProcTitle.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/FreeBSD/UProcTitle.c
new source -> compiling ../src/libglob/fnmatch.c
new source -> compiling ../src/Uglob.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/PathComp.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/ChannelMux.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/Logger.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/LoggerClass.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/SplitLogger.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/SysLogger.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/TimeStampLogger.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/WrLogger.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/ProcTitle.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/Ugzip.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/UgzipP.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/Umd5.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/MySyslog.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/WatchDog.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/IOWatchDog.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/MD5Digest.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/MD5.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/AuthMD5.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/TokScan.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/DevT.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/FileAttr.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/FileAttrRep.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/FileID.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/CVProto.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/EscapedRd.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/EscapedWr.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/MD5Wr.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/ErrMsg.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/DirEntry.i3
new source -> compiling DirEntryList.i3
new source -> compiling DirEntryListSort.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/Glob.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/GlobTree.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/LockFile.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/ExecRec.i3
new source -> compiling ExecRecSeq.i3
new source -> compiling ExecRecSeqRep.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/RCSError.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/RCSString.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/RCSPhrase.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/RCSPhrases.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/RCSDate.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/RCSRevNum.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/RCSTag.i3
new source -> compiling RCSTagList.i3
new source -> compiling RCSTagListSort.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/RCSEdit.i3
new source -> compiling RCSEditTbl.i3
new source -> compiling SortedRCSEditTbl.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/RCSDelta.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/RCSKeyword.i3
new source -> compiling RCSDeltaTbl.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/RCSFile.i3
new source -> compiling RCSDeltaList.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/RCSDeltaClass.i3
new source -> compiling RCSDeltaListSort.i3
new source -> compiling SortedRCSDeltaTbl.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/SupFileRec.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/SupMisc.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/FileStatus.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/FileStatusRaw.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/StatusFile.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/CVTree.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/GzipError.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/GzipRd.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/GzipWr.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/RsyncBlock.i3
new source -> compiling RsyncBlockArraySort.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/RsyncFile.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/Reaper.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/SigHandler.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/UnixMisc.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/UnixMiscC.c
new source -> compiling ../src/Attic.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/FreeBSD/FileAttrOS.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/FreeBSD/ProcTitle.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/PathComp.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/ChannelMux.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/Logger.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/SplitLogger.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/SysLogger.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/TimeStampLogger.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/WrLogger.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/Ugzip.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/WatchDog.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/IOWatchDog.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/MD5Digest.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/MD5.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/AuthMD5.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/TokScan.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/FileAttr.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/FileID.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/CVProto.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/EscapedRd.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/EscapedWr.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/MD5Wr.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/ErrMsg.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/DirEntry.m3
new source -> compiling DirEntryList.m3
new source -> compiling DirEntryListSort.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/Glob.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/GlobTree.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/LockFile.m3
new source -> compiling ExecRecSeq.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/RCSString.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/RCSPhrase.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/RCSPhrases.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/RCSDate.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/RCSRevNum.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/RCSTag.m3
new source -> compiling RCSTagList.m3
new source -> compiling RCSTagListSort.m3
new source -> compiling RCSEditTbl.m3
new source -> compiling SortedRCSEditTbl.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/RCSDelta.m3
new source -> compiling RCSDeltaList.m3
new source -> compiling RCSDeltaListSort.m3
new source -> compiling RCSDeltaTbl.m3
new source -> compiling SortedRCSDeltaTbl.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/RCSKeyword.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/RCSFile.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/SupFileRec.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/SupMisc.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/SupMiscText.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/FileStatus.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/StatusFile.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/CVTree.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/GzipError.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/GzipRd.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/GzipWr.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/RsyncBlock.m3
new source -> compiling RsyncBlockArraySort.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/RsyncFile.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/Reaper.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/SigHandler.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/UnixMisc.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/Attic.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/dev_t_posix/DevT.m3
 -> archiving libsuplib.a
===> server
mkdir FreeBSD2
--- building in FreeBSD2 ---
m3 -w1 -why -O -o cvsupd -F/var/tmp/qkv99832 
new source -> compiling ../src/Version.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/FileInfo.i3
new source -> compiling FileInfoMerger.i3
new source -> compiling LinkTbl.i3
new source -> compiling RCSDeltaMerger.i3
new source -> compiling RCSTagMerger.i3
new source -> compiling SupFileRecSeq.i3
new source -> compiling SupFileRecSeqRep.i3
new source -> compiling FileAttrSeq.i3
new source -> compiling FileAttrSeqRep.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/ParsedDelta.i3
new source -> compiling ParsedDeltaList.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/AccessRules.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/Passwd.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/RCSComp.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/TreeComp.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/FSServer.i3
new source -> compiling ../src/FSServerRep.i3
new source -> compiling Version.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/FileInfo.m3
new source -> compiling FileInfoMerger.m3
new source -> compiling LinkTbl.m3
new source -> compiling RCSDeltaMerger.m3
new source -> compiling RCSTagMerger.m3
new source -> compiling SupFileRecSeq.m3
new source -> compiling FileAttrSeq.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/ParsedDelta.m3
new source -> compiling ParsedDeltaList.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/AccessRules.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/Passwd.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/RCSComp.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/TreeComp.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/FSServer.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/FSServerU.m3
new source -> compiling ../src/Main.m3
 -> linking cvsupd
===> client
mkdir FreeBSD2
--- building in FreeBSD2 ---
"/usr/ports/net/cvsup/work/cvsup-16.0/client/src/m3makefile", line 1: unable to read 
   from directory "FreeBSD2" of package "formsvbt" (/usr/local/lib/m3/pkg/formsvbt)

*** call stack ***
"/usr/ports/net/cvsup/work/cvsup-16.0/client/src/m3makefile", line 1: call to built-in 
"/usr/ports/net/cvsup/work/cvsup-16.0/client/src/m3makefile", line 630: call to 
procedure M3include
"/usr/local/lib/m3/pkg/m3build/templates/COMMON", line 619: call to procedure 
"/usr/ports/net/cvsup/work/cvsup-16.0/client/src/m3makefile", line 86: call to 
procedure import
m3build: /usr/local/bin/quake failed (status = 256)
*** Error code 255

*** Error code 1

*** Error code 1

*** Error code 1

*** Error code 1

*** Error code 1

*** Error code 1

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