And whats Whistle market capitilization since becoming part of IBM ? 8)

> On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, Tom Bartol wrote:
> > 
> > I absolutely agree with Jordan on this point.  I'm having an increasingly
> > hard time keeping our lab running FreeBSD over Linux due to pressure from
> > higher-ups who aren't in the technical trenches with me and who don't
> > understand the very good technical reasons I have for running FreeBSD
> > here.  One constant sticking point is the linux compatibility module.  The
> > higher-ups see the word "emulator" and all manner of warning messages go
> > off in their uninformed heads.  
> > 
> > In a previous e-mail on this or a related thread I saw the term:
> > 
> > "Linux image activator"
> > 
> > or something close to this pass by.  I think this term gave me a much
> > closer feeling to what I imagine is really going on the the "linuxulator"
> > than the term "emulator" and all its baggage.  So we could name it the
> > "Linux image activator" or "Lin-Axe" or some such...
> I'd just like to have it described as running a program in "linux mode"
> In Linux mode, FreeBSD appears exactly a s alinux muchine would to a Linux 
> program and  the program can run un-modified.
> (Now that Red Hat has a market capitialisation of 5Billion$ there will be
> a lot more linux stuff available)
> > 
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 Amancio Hasty

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