On 1999-Oct-06 09:02:12 +1000, Nate Williams wrote:
>> In any case, you should not be doing lots of writes to root, so the
>> lack of softupdates should not be a problem.
>So, are you suggesting make /tmp it's own disk, otherwise anytime you do
>development alot of writes are done to /.

I've pretty well always used a separate /tmp partition.  I've always
used MFS with FreeBSD.  This makes the root partition virtually
read-only (which has robustness and security advantages).

>And, if you do lots of development, then you'll have the same problem on
>/tmp as you did on / unless you waste a huge disk for /tmp. :(

1) Use -pipe
2) Don't use softupdates
3) Use a RAMdisk (eg MFS) instead of a physical disk (which makes the
   previous point irrelevant).

I don't recall seeing anyone mention problems like this (though they
might be on lists I don't read).

Peter Jeremy (VK2PJ)                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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