1.2 Sun Oct 10 15:08:35 1999 UTC by peter 
Diffs to 1.1 

Nuke the old antique copy of ipfilter from the tree.  This is old enough
to be dangerous.  It will better serve us as a port building a KLD,
ala SKIP.

Although a heads up in -CURRENT or -security about this would of been
nice, ye old ipfilter is gone. I definitely cannot disagree with the
fact that it is an antique copy, and it's a shame that no one seems to
be taking care of it in the tree. At least in the past, ipfilter was for
many a much better option then ipfw. Has ipfw improved to the point
where it functions better as a company firewall then ipfilter? (Okay, so
the group & user firewalling is neat, but not really applicable for a
corporate border firewall)

ipfilters website:

For why I feel ipfilter is better then ipfw (this post was written back
in December '98, ipfw may have changed greatly since):
(the big 'wanton atticizing discussion')

A summary of it being:

- Multiplatform. Runs on IRIX, Solaris, Linux. Comes shipped with
FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and NetBSD. Keeps us in sync with the other BSD's. 
- Better logging then ipfw (has ipfw improved? Thats why I switched to
ipfilter in the first place) 

It's a shame that no one seems to want to maintain ipfilter in our tree.
As far as a 'port building kld', I think this may not be the 'smartest'
way, seeing as anyone who is running a serious firewall would disable
kld's immediately anyhow. 

So my question is, what's the direction we're taking here?

Thomas Stromberg,                   Assistant IS Manager / Systems Guru
smtp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]             Research Triangle Commerce, Inc.
                                              pots://919.380.9771 x3210

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