In reply:
> > On Mon, 25 Oct 1999, Jim Bryant wrote:
> >
> > > "unauthorized" things for keeping Trek alive in the first place...  If
> > > it came out that Paramount ever tried litigation over such things,
> > > they would lose a LOT of fans, and the money in their pockets!  What
> > > would come next?  Sueing people at conventions for getting the
> > > uniforms wrong?
> >
> > Or sueing fan websites, perhaps?
>       Isn't this more or less precisely what happened once X-Files became popular
> enough to not need them anymore?
>       DS

In case you haven't noticed...   The current Trek series' have an
ever-dwindling audience.  The ONLY thing keeping Voyager alive is
widely accepted to be the Borg chick with the extremely fine hooters
and the pouty voice.

Their litigation money would be better spent going after those
unauthorized items that are commercial products, and there is an
endless supply of those.

If litigation was ever threatened over this CLASSIC public-domain 27
year old game, we can always dig up interviews with the stars and
producers to back us up.  All true Trekkies have heard the interviews.

Trek has always been an underground phenomenon.  This game has existed
in various forms since 1973, and has never been a commercial product.

Paramount would be hard-pressed to prove that they have lost one dime
as a result of this game.  Burdon of proof is on the litigant.  This
game in fact when put side by side with a modern trek game in front of
a jury would only prove to a jury how frivilous and petty such a suit
would be in the first place.

The Trek sub-culture is unique.  A universe without money, where
prestige is based on accomplishment, and not what family you were born
into or how big your bank accounts are.  Ten or fifteen years earlier,
and the right wing would have blackballed Roddenberry as a commie.

"Humans are capable of so much more than we yet understand.  We're
really something!  Star Trek fans really believe that, and so do I."
       -- Gene Roddenberry

All opinions expressed are mine, if you    |  "I will not be pushed, stamped,
think otherwise, then go jump into turbid  |  briefed, debriefed, indexed, or
radioactive waters and yell WAHOO !!!      |  numbered!" - #1, "The Prisoner"
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