I have studied the Makefile. 
I have searched the archives of the lists. 
I have put the files necessary for the ports build for docproj during
the make in a separate directory (/usr/ports/distfiles.release), 
with no extra files there. 
I have set this in the Makefile. Nevertheless this is what happened:

touch release.2
Making docs...
===>  Extracting for docproj-1.1     
===>   Registering installation for sgmlformat-1.7
===>   Returning to build of docproj-1.1
===>   docproj-1.1 depends on executable: sgmlnorm - found
===>   docproj-1.1 depends on executable: jade - found
===>   docproj-1.1 depends on executable: tidy - not found
===>    Verifying install for tidy in /usr/ports/www/tidy
===>  Extracting for tidy-
>> Checksum OK for tidy27sep99.tgz.  

Here it just stopped (and had been waiting for 9 hours...). No error
message, nothing. Machine was responding OK. No kernel messages, no
messages. Nothing peculiar in top etc. So I tried something weird (in
my eyes anyway) and kill -HUPped the PID. It continued. Great, well
for a moment.

===>  Patching for tidy-
===>  Applying FreeBSD patches for tidy-
===>  Configuring for tidy-
===>  Building for tidy-
cc -O -pipe -D__USE_MISC -c attrs.c
cc -O -pipe -D__USE_MISC -c istack.c
cc -O -pipe -D__USE_MISC -c parser.c
cc -O -pipe -D__USE_MISC -c tags.c
cc -O -pipe -D__USE_MISC -c entities.c
cc -O -pipe -D__USE_MISC -c lexer.c
cc -O -pipe -D__USE_MISC -c pprint.c
cc -O -pipe -D__USE_MISC -c clean.c
cc -O -pipe -D__USE_MISC -c localize.c
cc -O -pipe -D__USE_MISC -c config.c
cc -O -pipe -D__USE_MISC -c tidy.c
cc -O -pipe -D__USE_MISC -o tidy  attrs.o         istack.o
parser.o        tags.o  entities.o      lexer.o         pprint.o
clean.o  localize.o      config.o     tidy.o -lc                                       
===>  Installing for tidy-
install -c -s -o root -g wheel -m 555
/usr/ports/www/tidy/work/tidy27sep99/tidy /usr/local/bin/tidy
===>   Installing documentation for tidy-
===>   Generating temporary packing list
===>   Registering installation for tidy-
===>   Returning to build of docproj-1.1
===>   docproj-1.1 depends on executable: lynx - not found
===>    Verifying install for lynx in /usr/ports/www/lynx
===>  Extracting for lynx-2.8.2rel.1
>> Checksum OK for lynx2.8.2rel.1.tar.bz2.
===>   lynx-2.8.2rel.1 depends on executable: bzip2 - not found
===>    Verifying install for bzip2 in /usr/ports/archivers/bzip2
>> bzip2-0.9.5d.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist on this system.
>> Attempting to fetch from
fetch: sourceware.cygnus.com: Host name lookup failure
>> Attempting to fetch from
fetch: `www.kernel.org': cannot resolve: Host name lookup failure
>> Attempting to fetch from
fetch: ftp.FreeBSD.org: Host name lookup failure
>> Couldn't fetch it - please try to retrieve this
>> port manually into /usr/ports/distfiles/ and try again.
*** Error code 1
bzip2-0.9.5d.tar.gz *is* in the directory
/usr/ports/distfiles.release, mentioned earlier.

Now what can I do? Should this file (and others?, but which?) be in
the 'normal' distfiles directory and not in the one set in the

I can see only one way out, which is to spend about $30 on phone
charges and stay online for the make release, after deleting *all* of
the distfiles on my system.

Maybe there is someone out there who knows a cheaper and better way?



Marc Schneiders


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