> just a very basic question that would resolve a dispute between colleagues.
> When one talks about Fbsd3.3-STABLE my impression is that such version is a
> stage before the Fbsd3.3-RELEASE. In other words the -RELEASE is for the
> final version and the -STABLE is the version that is soon (after some further
> bug settling) to become -RELEASE.
> Is this the case?
tis just the reverse from what you have written. 3.3 FreeBSD
is released, minted onto CD, and made avilable over the Internet. At
that point in time 3.3 FreeBSD is 3.3-RELEASE.
all further work on 3.3 FreeBSD is called 3.3-STABLE.
at all times there are two versions of FreeBSD under active
work. The -CURRENT version gets all the latest changes...becareful
some of these changes *will* hurt you. The -STABLE version gets bug
fixes and performance enhancements only. (poor performance is also a
bug). All changes to -STABLE must be tested and generally beaten up
in -CURRENT first.
ps. note this explaination is somewaht simplified, but it accurate in
all its major points.
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