I'm running a -current system from Nov 26th (approx 4am EST).

I can currently reliably crash the system by doing:

ln -s /home/users/vshah/public_html/index.html /home/users/vshah/index.html 

The crash only works when I do it on a NFS mounted filesystem. I'm
using NFSv2/UDP. The server is a 3.2-STABLE FreeBSD box, running
softupdates on the exported filesystem. I just checked that local
filesystem on the server, and it is a 100% full. Can this just be put
down to the known "softupdates full filesystem bug"?

[BTW: the server hasn't crashed, it's only the FreeBSD client that

Viren R. Shah  {viren @ rstcorp . com}
Names        : Vanadium(23) Iodine(53) RhEnium(75) Nitrogen(7)
Density(g/mL):     5.8         4.92        21       0.0001251   
Average Density: 7.93003 g/mL

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