Andrzej Bialecki writes:
> I'd like to know whether we reached some conclusions concerning the naming
> of sysctl variables created (or related to) KLDs. I know that Linux
> emulator creates "compat.linux". I don't know if any other module creates
> sysctls (well, except my SPY module.. :-).
> So, what is the current thinking? Should we use
> modules.my_module.whatever, or
> kld.my_kld.whatever, or
> just sprinkle the new sysctls randomly over the tree, according to their
> functions, e.g.
> kern.my_module_kern_hook
> net.inet.my_module_inet_hook
> ...

I think the latter. In 'theory' there should be no discernable
difference between functionality from a KLD vs. the same functionality
compiled directly into the kernel.

KLD's are just a linking mechanism, and shouldn't have any more
significance than that from a usability perspective.


Archie Cobbs   *   Whistle Communications, Inc.  *

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