At 12:17 AM +0100 1999/12/10, Brad Knowles wrote:

>       In -CURRENT, I would say that this could probably be committed,
>  if John feels safe.  I am not yet convinced that it should be
>  committed to -STABLE, although things do look good so far.

        Well, things continue to look good:

Fri Dec 10 10:59:55 CET 1999
netstat -ran | wc -l
vmstat -m | grep routetbl | grep K
      routetbl   246    34K     35K 40960K      275    0     0  16,32,64,128,256
10:59AM  up 16:08, 0 users, load averages: 3.49, 3.83, 3.61

Fri Dec 10 11:00:56 CET 1999
netstat -ran | wc -l
vmstat -m | grep routetbl | grep K
      routetbl   244    34K     35K 40960K      275    0     0  16,32,64,128,256
11:00AM  up 16:09, 0 users, load averages: 3.41, 3.81, 3.62

        Looking at our stats for yesterday on this machine, we came 
pretty close to setting some new records for volume, and did quite a 
lot of articles.

        At this stage, given that this patch has fixed John's problems, 
that the previous patch appears to have fixed Joe's problems, and 
that I seem to be running fine after almost a day, I'd feel more 
comfortable if John decides he wants to commit this patch to -STABLE.

        When that happens, I'll cvsup & rebuild all the machines I can, 
so that they can all get the benefit of this patch and the other 
changes that have gone in recently.


   These are my opinions -- not to be taken as official Skynet policy
|o| Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>            Belgacom Skynet NV/SA |o|
|o| Systems Architect, News & FTP Admin      Rue Col. Bourg, 124   |o|
|o| Phone/Fax: +32-2-706.11.11/12.49         B-1140 Brussels       |o|
|o|                     Belgium               |o|
  Unix is like a wigwam -- no Gates, no Windows, and an Apache inside.
   Unix is very user-friendly.  It's just picky who its friends are.

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