On Sat, 11 Dec 1999, Lyndon Nerenberg wrote:

>>>>>> "Dieter" == Dieter Rothacker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>    Dieter> Why would you want to define "correct" numbering the
>    Dieter> non-spread-out numbering? Or did I misunderstand you?  I
>    Dieter> have all my disks as master drives on the channels. Now,
>    Dieter> when I hook up another disk for backup or maintenance
>    Dieter> purposes, my numbering is messed up.  
>Or worse, on a file server where you lose a low-numbered disk, not
>only does that one go away, but everything higher numbered loses as
>well. This "feature" does nothing other than introduce a gratuitous
>backwards-incompatibility. There is nothing wrong with the "old" scheme.
>I've loathed this behaviour since it was introduced into SCSI/CAM, 
>and would rejoice at its removal.

As I understand it, cam or pre-cam or wd or ata it is simply an issue of
defaults.  If you plan to use disks that die or become removed, simply
read LINT on how to wire your disk id's.

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