On Thu, Dec 16, 1999 at 04:50:55PM -0600, Richard Seaman, Jr. wrote:
> Check http://www.storage.ibm.com/techsup/hddtech/prodspec/djna_spw.pdf
> If a command is received during spin down of ADM, the drive quits the spin down
> and tries to complete the command as soon as possible.
> In case the spin down of ADM is disturbed by a command, it is retried 12 hours
> later.

That sure sounds like my 12 hours. I guess this more or solves the mystery.
There is still one thing which keeps me wondering, though. How exactly does
the ata driver react to the drive doing ADM? Whenever I hear it spinning
down, I immediately hear it spinning up again. Does this mean that the ATA
driver won't allow the drive to do _any_ ADM at all? Is that a bad thing? 


Dave Boers

  God, root, what's the difference?

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