On Fri, 31 Dec 1999, Wilko Bulte wrote:

> > > Why are "certain" devices wildly different than all other ones?  I've
> > > never encountered that kind of syntax before, and I can't see that it's
> > > documented anywhere at all.  Certainly, MAKEDEV itself (in it's
> > > comments) treats cd* just like all the others, specifying that the number
> > > following is a unit number, and *not* a quantity.  I don't know when this
> > > happened, but it's surely not obvious.  Not one word in the handbook,
> > > either.
> > 
> > *shrug*  This is the only rationality I could think of.  Obviously, this
> > breaks POLA, so it should be changed (with ample warning).
> As for ample warning: I've seen MAKEDEVs display a list of the devices
> they are creating. I think the Tru64 version does this. I myself think this
> is a good behaviour (and hope people won't start yelling 'bloat' for once)

I'd like to hack about a bit on MAKEDEV, but I was wondering, does
sysinstall, in any way, use MAKEDEV?  I *don't* want to mess with

I think the idea of making MAKEDEV print the devices it's creating ought
to be easy enough to hack ...

Chuck Robey                | Interests include C & Java programming,
New Year's Resolution:  I  | electronics, communications, and
will not sphroxify gullible| signal processing.
people into looking up     | I run picnic.mat.net: FreeBSD-current(i386) and
fictitious words in the    |      jaunt.mat.net : FreeBSD-current(Alpha)|
dictionary.                |

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