* From: "Jordan K. Hubbard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 * How do you think things "get included" in the OS?  Do you think one
 * just moves the KAME bits into a directory next to /usr/src, goes away
 * for 24 hours to let them bits do their thing, and then comes back to
 * find that nature has done the rest of the work?  Sorry, it might work
 * that way for hamsters but it doesn't work that way for code!  Somebody

dear mr. hubbard,

please do not insult hamsters.  it doesn't work that way for hamsters
either.  we are fully aware of our surroundings and plan our lives
accordingly.  in fact, satoshi is out picking oranges now so i have
full access to his computer.  (ooohh nude hamster pics....)

that said, i don't think you need to push back the release date.


p.s. pardon the lack of capital letters but my paws can't quite reach
     the shift key and the alphabet keys at the same time....

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