FreeBSD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in list.freebsd-stable:
 > Overclocking is *NEVER* recommended

Neither is posting anonymously (without a realname).

(Sorry -- Back to the topic.)

I have to admit that I've seen the same symptoms, and I have
no idea what's causing it.  It happenes very irregularly (and
rarely), but it clearly _does_ happen sometimes.  It doesn't
seem to be related to any particular hardware or FreeBSD ver-
sion, I have seen it on both 3.x and 4.0-current boxes.  On
some machines it never happened at all (including some busy
servers), at least not while I was logged in and watched it
(it's possible that it happened without me noticing at all).

It _seems_ to happen preferably when a long-time CPU hog has
run (and terminated) recently, such as setiathome.  The load
goes up to 1.0 and stays there for some time (could be a few
minutes, or an hour maybe even a few hours), then drops back
to 0.0 for no apparent reason.  During that period of load 1.0,
there is no activity.  CPU is 100% idle.  There is no process
that consumes any significant amounts of CPU time.  The box
feels fast and responds quickly to interactive work.  vmstat
looks perfectly normal (like an idle machine).

I have come to the conclusion that it must be a subtle bug
somewhere in the kernel's calculation of the load averages.
I tried to track it down in the kernel sources, but without
success.  Since it didn't seem to have any ill effects, but
just being a cosmetic problem, I didn't bother to investigate
further.  I have to admit that I wasn't even motivated to
submit a PR.  Yeah, shame on me.

Oh by the way, I think it happened once even on an OpenBSD/
Alpha box (not sure though, it was a long time ago).  Maybe
it's a long-standing BSD bug, or just strange coincidence.

Please excuse me for forwarding this to -current as well, but
I think it's important enough, and -current is affected, too.


Oliver Fromme, Leibnizstr. 18/61, 38678 Clausthal, Germany
(Info: finger userinfo:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

"In jedem Stück Kohle wartet ein Diamant auf seine Geburt"
                                         (Terry Pratchett)

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