> Running 4.0 -current as of today.....on a DEC Alphaststion 233 when I dial out
> I connect for about 30 seconds then it dies...here is a copy of the ppp.log

Well, you're receiving data from the peer, but the peer is not 
sending any response to your config request.  From what I can see, 
ppp is behaving exactly right.

I have no idea what your ISP is expecting - he's sending exactly the 
same REQ as you are.

You could try ``set accmap 000a0000'', but I'll bet it won't help.  I 
think you're stuck with asking your ISP to tell you what their side 
thinks it's doing.  You could also try ``set log +physical'' to see 
if anything funny is being read from the device and dropped, but 
again I expect nada :-(

> ----------------------------------
> E-Mail: William Woods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 09-Jan-00
> Time: 14:17:46
> FreeBSD 3.4 
> ----------------------------------

Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      <http://www.Awfulhak.org>                   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Don't _EVER_ lose your sense of humour !          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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