I get this whenever I try and build a kernel (with or without IPFIREWALL):

linking kernel.debug
ip6_fw.o: In function `ip6_fw_init':
/sys/compile/MORDEN/../../netinet6/ip6_fw.c(.text+0x18a4): undefined reference to 
/sys/compile/MORDEN/../../netinet6/ip6_fw.c(.text+0x18ae): undefined reference to 
*** Error code 1
1 error

I've just verified my sources are up-to-date from cvsup3. Kernel config:

#$Id: GENERIC,v 1.130 1998/11/03 22:01:21 des Exp $

machine         i386
cpu             I586_CPU
ident           MORDEN
maxusers        32

makeoptions     DEBUG="-g"              #Build kernel with gdb(1) debug symbols

options         INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE     # Include this file in kernel
options         MAXMEM="(48*1024)"
options         COMPAT_43
options         USER_LDT                #allow user-level control of i386 ldt
options         CPU_FASTER_5X86_FPU
options         CLK_USE_I8254_CALIBRATION
options         MSGBUF_SIZE=65536
options         SYSVSHM
options         SYSVSEM
options         SYSVMSG
options         INVARIANTS
options         INVARIANT_SUPPORT
options         MD5
options         VESA                    # needs VM86 defined too!!
options         DDB
options         KTRACE                  #kernel tracing
options         UCONSOLE

options         INET                    #Internet communications protocols
options         INET6
options         IPSEC                   #IP security
options         IPSEC_ESP               #IP security (crypto; define w/ IPSEC)
options         IPSEC_IPV6FWD           #IP security tunnel for IPv6
options         IPSEC_DEBUG             #debug for IP security
options         PPP_FILTER              #enable bpf filtering (needs bpfilter)
options         PPP_DEFLATE             #PPP zlib/deflate/gzip support
options         IPFIREWALL              #firewall
options         IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE      #print information about dropped
#options                IPFILTER
#options                IPFILTER_LOG
options         ICMP_BANDLIM

options         FFS                     #Fast filesystem
options         MFS                     #Memory File System
options         NFS                     #Network File System
options         MSDOSFS                 #MS DOS File System
options         PROCFS                  #Process filesystem
options         FFS_ROOT                #FFS usable as root device
options         SOFTUPDATES
options         NSWAPDEV=4
options         MAXCONS=12              # number of virtual consoles
options         SC_HISTORY_SIZE=200     # number of history buffer lines
options         COMPAT_LINUX
options         P1003_1B
options         _KPOSIX_VERSION=199309L
options         TCP_RESTRICT_RST
options         TCP_DROP_SYNFIN
options         ICMP_BANDLIM

pseudo-device   loop            #Network loopback device
pseudo-device   bpf     4       #Berkeley packet filter
pseudo-device   tun     2       #Tunnel driver (user process ppp(8)
pseudo-device   ppp     2

pseudo-device   pty     32      #Pseudo ttys - can go as high as 256
pseudo-device   speaker         #Play IBM BASIC-style noises out your speaker
pseudo-device   gzip            #Exec gzipped a.out's
pseudo-device   vn              #Vnode driver (turns a file into a device)
pseudo-device   snp     1       #Snoop device - to look at pty/vty/etc..
pseudo-device   splash

#device         pnp0
device          isa0
device          pci0

device          npx0    at nexus? port IO_NPX flags 0x0 irq 13
device          ata0
device          atadisk0
device          atapicd0
options         ATA_STATIC_ID

device          fdc0    at isa? port IO_FD1 irq 6 drq 2
device          fd0     at fdc0 drive 0

device          scbus0                  #base SCSI code
device          cd0                     #SCSI CD-ROMs
device          pass0                   #CAM passthrough driver
device          ahc0

device          sio0    at isa? port IO_COM1 flags 0x10 irq 4
device          sio1    at isa? port IO_COM2 irq 3

device          pcm0
device          sbc0

device          atkbdc0 at isa? port IO_KBD
device          atkbd0  at atkbdc? irq 1
device          psm0    at atkbdc? irq 12

device          vga0    at isa? port ? conflicts
device          sc0     at isa?

"How many roads must a man walk down, before you call him a man?"
"That was a rhetorical question!"
"Oh..then, seven!" -- Homer Simpson

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