On 15 Jan 1999, Cory Kempf wrote:

> I recently purchased an optical drive for doing backups.  After doing a
> backup, I naturally flipped the switch to write protect.
> At a later point, I needed to restore some files from the backup, and
> so, stuck the disk back in, and mounted it.
> When I was done, the disk wouldn't unmount.  When I tried, umount
> came back with a 'permission denied'.  At the time, I was root. (If 
> root doesn't have permission, who does?!)
> The problem was in my /etc/fstab file, I had the following:
>       /dev/da1c      /backup         ufs      rw      0 0
> OK, so it is my fault, I should have mounted it read-only.  
> Unfortunately, it took a reboot to get the disk out of the drive!
> So, I am thinking that perhaps the code should be made more robust?

I had this exact problem with my LS-120 a week or so ago.
Here's a reenaction (yes, I'm doing this in real life now to verify it's
{"/home/green"}# mount /floppy
{"/home/green"}# umount /floppy
umount: /floppy: Input/output error
{"/home/green"}# mount | grep flop
/dev/wfd0a on /floppy (local, writes: sync 2 async 2)
{"/home/green"}# # d'oh! It's write-protected.
{"/home/green"}# mount -u -o ro /floppy
{"/home/green"}# umount /floppy

Hope I helped!

> +C
> -- 
> Thinking of purchasing RAM from the Chip Merchant?  
> Please read this first: <http://www.enigami.com/~ckempf/chipmerchant.html>
> Cory Kempf                Macintosh / Unix Consulting & Software Development
> cke...@enigami.com        <http://www.enigami.com/~ckempf/>
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