I'm trying to adapt a working 2.2.6 diskless booting arrangement to 3.0,
for both clients and the server. The client machines load the kernel just
fine, then I see


which is correct, but the process stops there.  It doesn't get any
further.  I'm not sure if the machine is successfully mounting the root fs
or not.  There is no error after timeout, the client's IP does respond to

I have no configured swap, and while all the configurations I have
seen did have nfs swap, my setup worked under 2.2.6 without it and I'd
prefer to avoid it.

Following is all the info that seemed pertinent.  These configs are with 
very few changes (IP numbers and such) the ones that worked under 2.2.6. 
If you reply, please reply to me directly, I'm not subscribed to the list.
Thank you in advance for your help.

--- My 3.0 kernel config for the clients:
machine     "i386"
cpu      "I586_CPU"
ident    SNX
maxusers 16

options     NO_SWAPPING
options     BOOTP
options     BOOTP_NFSROOT
options     INET        #InterNETworking
options     FFS         #Berkeley Fast Filesystem
options     MFS         #Memory Filesystem
options     NFS         #Network Filesystem
options     NFS_ROOT    #NFS usable as root device, "NFS" req'ed
options     PROCFS         #Process filesystem
options     "COMPAT_43"    #Compatible with BSD 4.3 [KEEP THIS!]
options     UCONSOLE    #Allow users to grab the console
options     FAILSAFE    #Be conservative
options     USERCONFIG     #boot -c editor
options     VISUAL_USERCONFIG #visual boot -c editor

config      kernel   root on wd0

controller  isa0
controller  eisa0
controller  pci0

device      sc0   at isa? port "IO_KBD" conflicts tty irq 1 vector scintr

device      npx0  at isa? port "IO_NPX" irq 13 vector npxintr

device      sio0  at isa? port "IO_COM1" flags 0x10 tty irq 4 vector siointr
device      sio1  at isa? port "IO_COM2" tty irq 3 vector siointr

device      psm0  at isa? port "IO_KBD" conflicts tty irq 12 vector psmintr

device ed0 at isa? port 0x300 net irq 5 iomem 0xd8000 vector edintr

pseudo-device  loop
pseudo-device  ether
pseudo-device  pty   16
pseudo-device  gzip     # Exec gzipped a.out's

options     KTRACE      #kernel tracing
options     SYSVSHM

--- A sample entry from my bootptab:

--- A sample tftp config file:
hostname dslsupport01

--- The contents of the clients /etc/rc file:

export PATH

export TERM

echo; echo; echo
echo "Please be patient while the system comes up..."
echo; echo; echo

#/sbin/ldconfig /usr/lib /usr/lib/compat /usr/X11R6/lib 

ifconfig lo0

#mount -t nfs -u /

mount -a

#if [ -f /dev/audio ]; then
        /usr/X11R6/bin/au :8086 -aa &
        echo "Starting auserver on port 8086..."

while [ 1 -eq 1 ]; do
        /usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_S3V -bpp 16 -query deimos

--- The contents of the clients /etc/fstab:        /       nfs     ro              0 0       /dev    nfs     rw              0 0
/dev/null                       /tmp    mfs     rw,-T=tmp       0 0


  Nicholas Esborn |
www.azstarnet.com | StarNet
   (520) 618-RTFM |

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