In message <> you write:
>Why I'm asking about this, is because I recently read an advice in one
>of the FreeBSD mailing lists,
>about "Why my dial-up PPP connection from a FreeBSD box is so slow
>comparing with Windows NT
>(about ten times slower)?"
>And the advice was (without explanations): "Try to switch off the
>TCP_EXTENSIONS in /etc/rc.conf".

Some dialup terminal servers have problems with TCP options; turning
off TCP_EXTENSIONS is the easiest way to handle these terminal servers.

>So, is it safe to use T/TCP (at least for Squid) for RELENG_3?

I asked for more info about the problems they were having with T/TCP
and never got much of an answer; since they don't say what the problem
they were having was it's hard to say whether or not it was resolved.

>And what about MBUF size (mentioned at the same page of the Squid FAQ)?
>Do I need to patch Squid as it shown at the page?

Recent (as in the last day or so) RELENG_3's should not need this patch;
the bug described has been fixed in another way.


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