> We spend so much of our time looking up our own collective asses searching
> for the meaning of life that it is no wonder FreeBSD doesn't feel like it
> has a clear direction for the future. All people seem to want to do is
> stomp on others who try to contribute something.

I think the amount of finger stomping could definitely go down and I
would support such an initiative highly, but I would just like to also
point out, before people throw the baby out with the bathwater here,
that our collective stodginess can often be a real plus in an
environment where many things are changing rapidly, too.

It's a common impulse among engineers to attack each and every problem
as it comes up, solve it "somehow", and then move on to the next
challenge. Unfortunately, these early solutions are often proven to be
wrong or just plain evil, and we've definitely stopped ourselves from
doing stupid things at least 5 times for every time we've also stopped
ourselves from doing something useful.  Obviously one would prefer a
situation where one NEVER held back from doing useful things, but it's
not always possible to tell the difference until hindsight has kicked
in. :-)

Let's also not forget the fact that most of us have no clue about
where FreeBSD is going, even those "at the helm", and it would be
foolish to make a bunch of 5 year plans without really knowing what
the next year held in store for us.  I could perhaps try to make some
predictions about this and formulate strategy, but I'd probably be
wrong since I'm also the guy who sold Yahoo stock at $37.  Don't
listen to me at all when it comes to predicting this industry's
trends. :-)

- Jordan

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