On Fri, Jan 29, 1999 at 06:28:46PM -0500, Bill Paul wrote:
> - Change the if() clause so that it looks like this:
>               if (sc->pn_promisc_war /*&& ifp->if_flags & IFF_PROMISC*/) {
>   (In other words, comment out the test for the IFF_PROMISC flag.)
> This will enable the workaround all the time and allow the receiver bug 
> to be detected and handled properly.
> Compile a new kernel with this change and see if the problem persists.
> Report back your findings (one way or the other) so that I'll know if
> I should modify the code in the repository.

I'm sad to say, this didn't solve the problem.  It still happens
exactly as before, and still goes away immediately if I run a tcpdump
on another console (but not if I do tcpdump -p).

I did add a printf when pn_promisc_war is set to 1 just to make sure
that it was being properly detected and turned on, and it is..  but
enabling the workaround all the time doesn't seem to help.
Christopher Masto        Director of Operations      NetMonger Communications
ch...@netmonger.net        i...@netmonger.net        http://www.netmonger.net

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