But then if I added another say ed0, it wouldn't get eth2 :)

But yeah, I understand where you're going...

>> However, it would be nice if they all had a common name to the end user..
>> Primarily, me..  Especially when you rip out one card, install another, then
>> the name changes on you...
>Suppose you have "xl" and "vr" in your computer. They are named eth0
>and eth1, respectively. You then replace your "vr" by a "ed". Mark
>with an X the correct option:
>( ) the names for "vr" and "ed" will be eth0 and eth1, respectively.
>( ) the names for "vr" and "ed" will be eth1 and eth0, respectively.
>( ) none of the above
>Can you see what I'm getting at here? :-)
>The best solution would be hardwiring the names, but in that case it
>doesn't matter what are the default names.
>Daniel C. Sobral                       (8-DCS)
>       She just looked at him over the rotating pencil like, how slow can
>a mammal be and still have respiratory functions?
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Rod Taylor

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