I just installed a 4.0-SNAP on my laptop (replacing the old 2.2.7
installation), and I must say once I stopped doing stupid things the
install went nicely.  But I noticed after I rebooted that
'myname.my.domain' didn't write out any of the config information to
rc.conf (which, of course, doesn't exist).  Is this
known/planned/expected?  This is the 02/12 SNAP.


| Matthew Fuller     http://www.over-yonder.net/~fullermd |
* fulle...@futuresouth.com       fulle...@over-yonder.net *
| UNIX Systems Administrator      Specializing in FreeBSD |
*   FutureSouth Communications   ISPHelp ISP Consulting   *
|  "The only reason I'm burning my candle at both ends,   |
*    is because I haven't figured out how to light the    *
|                     middle yet"                         |

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