Shouldn't a make world take about 10 hours on a P100 ?? -depends on
the speed of your disks.

You should probably remove all the junk in /usr/obj from previous
make worlds, then run "make cleandir" in /usr/src and then try
a make world again.

The messages about no such user 'tty' indicate your /etc files
are out of date.  Use the "mergemaster" port to keep your /etc
files up to date but you'll need to be carefull when adding the
new users to /etc/passwd (hint: run vipw after editing /etc/passwd
so the password databases are re-created).

GOING TO RUN CURRENT! - if you cant be botherred spending the time
to do this dont run CURRENT!

P.S. If your existing CURRENT system is too old, you may need to try
installing a snapshot first.... you may have to try a few different
snapshots before you find one that works... there were some problems
a while back with boot disks I think.

On Sun, 14 Feb 1999, Erik Funkenbusch wrote:

> Recently I've been trying to upgrade an early januarrry -current to
> current -current.  I've rebuilt the kernel several times over the last few
> days (with new cvsup's) so i've eliminated any freak check-in mismatches.
> During a make world (usually about 10-20 minutes in on my P100) everything
> just comes to a grinding halt.  No disk activity, but the screen saver will
> kick in (despite the shell being in the middle of said make world).
> If I switch to any alternate consoles and try to do anything, even an ls, it
> accesses the disk for a brief second, then hangs as well.  Other tasks that
> don't need to access the disk keep running (such as natd and obviously the
> screen saver).
> After waiting about a half hour, I hit the reset and get lots of UNREF
> say slavaged or cleared.
> It doesn't appear to be a problem with the actual disk, since rebooting
> works fine until I try and build again.  Even building the kernel works
> fine.  but doing a make world does not (I don't know if anything else causes
> this).  It never fails in the same place twice either, but it's always the
> same effect.
> Additionally, i've been getting No such user 'tty', service ignored messages
> from ntalk and comsat.  I'm sure these services were updated to make use of
> some tty user or something, but i'd like to know what exactly I should do
> here.
> I'm also getting messages from de0 and lo0 that say:
> de0 XXX: driver didn't set ifq_maxlen
> Finally, if I try and run top i get:
> top: cannot read swaplist: kvm_read: Bad address
> kvm_open: proc size mismatch (11392 total, 680 chunks)
> top: Out of memory.
> I assume this is from a newer kernel with older support files (such as top)
> but since I can't get world to build, I'm kinda stuck..
> One more thing.  I figured I might try a complete reinstallation so I tried
> to download the 4.0-snap of 2-11 and was able to successfully create a
> kern.flp but when I tried to create mfsroot.flp it seems to sit in a loop
> forever just moving the disk head back and forth.  I tried it with several
> floppies (including the one I was able to successfully create kern.flp on)
> with the same results.
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