Grrrr. Alright, I give up: how does one create a new 'bus' layer?
By that I mean like /sys/dev/iicbus and /sys/dev/smbus. Yes, I've read
the code in these two directories, but I'm confused as to which parts
relate to the bus architecture in general and which parts are speficic
to the I2C and system management implementation.

>From what I can tell, you need the following:

- foobus_if.m, a file which describes the functions that drivers for
  devices attached to this kind bus can perform.

- foobus.c and foobus.h

- fooconf.c and fooconf.h

- Some type of top level driver for the device which implements the

- Various drivers for devices attached to the bus.

In my particular case, I'm trying to create a bus layer for MII-compliant
PHYs attached to ethernet controller chips. The ethernet controller is
the bus controller device: each MII management bus can have up to 32
PHY devices attached to it (though in general you rarely have more than
two). Each ethernet driver exports three functions to the MII code:
mii_read(), mii_write() and mii_statchg(). The first two allow reading 
and writing of the registers of a PHY at a particular address (i.e. 
mii_read(dev, phyadd, regaddr), mii_write(dev, phyaddr, regaddr, val)). The 
mii_statchg() routine is a callback routine: when one of the lower-level
PHY drivers does a media change, it calls back to the ethernet driver
to let it know. (This is necessary because some media changes also 
require updating registers on the ethernet controller itself. For 
instance, on the ThunderLAN chip, if the PHY is set for full duplex, the
ThunderLAN chip itself also has to be programmed for full duplex at the
same time).

The PHY drivers themselves (as they are now) export three functions to
the MII glue code: foophy_probe(), foophy_attach() and foophy_service().
The middle MII layer exports mii_phy_probe(), mii_pollstat(), mii_statchg()
and mii_tick() back to the ethernet driver.

I've faked things up for now using linker sets, but I'd prefer to make
everything fit into the bus framework if possible. Unfortunately, there 
doesn't appear to be a nice generic example that shows how to create a 
new bus layer, and the existing code confuses the hell out of me. For
example, both the iicbus and smbus code use interrupt routines, but the
MII code doesn't need interrupts (PHY devices don't normally generate
interrupts). Also, how do I know exactly what goes into the foobus.c
and fooconf.c modules? The smbconf.c and iiconf.c modules appear to
have 'request_bus' routines that do things with tsleep(); what is this
for? Does every bus need this or is it specific to the I2C and SMB stuff?
The ppbus code is no help as it doesn't actually use this framework, and
the usb bus stuff is a mutant pile of macros and #ifdefs.

What this stuff needs is a developer's guide; a clearcut explanation of
how to create new busses, how to create top level bus drivers and how to
create drivers for devices attached to busses. If anyone can point me at
such a guide or can just explain to me how this nonsense is supposed to
work, I'd be grateful.


-Bill Paul            (212) 854-6020 | System Manager, Master of Unix-Fu
Work: | Center for Telecommunications Research
Home: | Columbia University, New York City
 "It is not I who am crazy; it is I who am mad!" - Ren Hoek, "Space Madness"

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