I think that you misunderstood my message.  The problems I was having
were not with the final state of the machine, but with the intermediate

Chris Costello wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 14, 1999, Stephen Montgomery-Smith put this into my mailbox:
> > .......
> > and by this time, the code mismatch between the binary executables
> > and the kernel made netscape unusable.  
>    Odd.  Netscape runs for me.  I have an ELF kernel and the new bootblocks,
> and obviously a new ELF world.

The problem was I was stuck with 3.1 code, but an old 3.0 kernel.  I needed
netscape or some other browser to get to the web site to figure out how
to get the new 3.1 kernel going, and the mismatch meant that I could not
use netscape.  My point was that if I had known about this web site BEFORE
I started the make world, then it would have been much easier to extract the
needed info.

Now I finally got the 3.1 kernel going, netscape works fine.

> > It told me that I needed new bootblocks.  I think a paragraph explanation
> > of what bootblocks is would have helped a very great deal.  As it was
> > it was like telling me to wear a nuffle on my head when it is cold.
> > Like, what is a nuffle?  So what is a bootblock?  I did figure
> > out enough to get it to work  (I am guessing that a bootblock is
> > some code at the beginning of each slice that is loaded by booteasy).
>    I believe the boot blocks contain the software required to access the disk
> and boot the kernel.  Obviously you'd need new boot blocks if you'll be
> trying to run a kernel that the 2.2 blocks don't understand.

Yes, I did figure out that much.  But without understanding bootblocks in
context, I was unsure what exactly I was looking for.  I think that the
web page http://www.freebsd.org/~peter/elfday.html
would have been better if the link to http://www.freebsd.org/~rnordier/boot.txt
had been somewhere prominent at the top of
http://www.freebsd.org/~peter/elfday.html ,
and a small paragraph explaining what bootblocks is would have helped put the
whole thing in context.

My issue is not with the final product, which is fantastic.  Rather I am
making some suggested changes to the way the information is being put out.
Really, they are only suggestions.  I think that the FreeBSD team do a very good
job.  I just wanted to offer my feedback on the technical writing aspect.


Stephen Montgomery-Smith              step...@math.missouri.edu
307 Math Science Building             step...@showme.missouri.edu
Department of Mathematics             step...@missouri.edu
University of Missouri-Columbia
Columbia, MO 65211

Phone (573) 882 4540
Fax   (573) 882 1869


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